Thursday, September 25, 2008

Colin is on the mend

We saw the pulmonologist yesterday for Colin's cough, and we finally got someone to say it is asthma. Not only did he say it, but he said it quickly and without reserve. He thinks Colin has always had asthma and that the pneumonia last year made it flare up. He doesn't feel he's ever fully recovered which explains the 5 attacks he's had in 12 months. I'm just plain exhausted between the sickness last week and trying to get some answers. It's a relief to have a diagnosis and an action plan. I can only imagine how relieved Colin must be. I was incredibly stressed and I wasn't even sick. The doctor did say he believes its related to his prematurity - bring on the guilt.

I must get back to exercising and I must start eating better. I need the energy.

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