Monday, September 29, 2008

Sprained ankle

I'm so stupid. I was trying to help Randy by sweeping down the newly plastered pool and stepped off the flagstone ledge backwards and fell down hard. I sprained my ankle pretty badly. So much for feeling good again by exercising, and so much for sex over the weekend.

I am pretty much the worst wife when it comes to sex. I know Randy wants it and I want to give it to him, but I'm just never really in the move. He is such an awesome husband and has been doing his best lately to be loving outside of the bedroom and to tell me how much he loves me, and what do I do. Every night I throw on my pajamas, climb into bed and go to sleep. I don't know if its the Paxil or what, but I just have no desire for romance. I do enjoy sex when we have it. This is nothing new, happening for years, I just need to correct it before I wake up one day and find out Randy has had enough and has either had an affair or left all together. Dear God, please help me to want to satisfy my husband. Please give my mind romantic thoughts. I know how important this part of our relationship is to my husband. Please let me be submissive to him and to let him know how important he is to me.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Colin is on the mend

We saw the pulmonologist yesterday for Colin's cough, and we finally got someone to say it is asthma. Not only did he say it, but he said it quickly and without reserve. He thinks Colin has always had asthma and that the pneumonia last year made it flare up. He doesn't feel he's ever fully recovered which explains the 5 attacks he's had in 12 months. I'm just plain exhausted between the sickness last week and trying to get some answers. It's a relief to have a diagnosis and an action plan. I can only imagine how relieved Colin must be. I was incredibly stressed and I wasn't even sick. The doctor did say he believes its related to his prematurity - bring on the guilt.

I must get back to exercising and I must start eating better. I need the energy.